Stream of Comchenshis

Hallo everyone. I'm happy this moment because I can finally tolerate studying. Liam makes me feel bad about being uneducated sometimes but its only natural. It makes me want to educationally mog him sometimes. I was going through an early earth phase when I designed this page. I recently went through a bike phase, unfruitfully, because I made a series of desicions that were poor. Even though i was crying in the garage yesterday like a child and contemplating if rinking paint thinner would be fatal, I said to myself "soon this will be a memory", and it was so!

Studying was not a mater of cultivating willpower, or attention span,,. I just had to get use to the act itself gradually. Someday I want to live somewhere that we don't rent, arround the woods, with many tasks to keep me busy each day. Life is not so bad if you have the capability to impose your will upon yourself, but once I start working it will probably get worse, but that too will become mundaine some day.

Once I finish my ged and start a career/school, Liam's friens will respect me more. And I'll have more autonomy. And I'll like myself more.