I also went mini hiking which was really fun and broke my phone right after so no pics....


what I spent december thinking about: Most of the month was very pleasant, spent thinking about this site, gifts to give, diet and exercise,. In the ladder half christmas was taxing mentally and new years took it out of me fully, and also instigated a breif period of great suffering. I was perhaps the happiest I have ever been while working on this website this month. In january I want to resume the state of peacful deficit I obtained before christmas, continue to be productive while my husband is gone for a while, and work on formulating exactly wht I want this diary to be...

opinions on the internet are cheaper than dirt, i live in a little pod where my conversations are monitored by neighbors and my movements detested by the rats living under my floorboards. I cant move a chair in my own home without some loser pot head rageing. I have no respect for those addicted to weed. they are the most obnoxious of slobs and live pathetic lives where everything is only for entertainment, fore they forget everything as soon as it it gone. they are perminantly babies. modern life sucks the soul out of me. i love sitting at the computer all day. this obolisk of illusion, dazzling colors hypnotiseing its prey. i cant imagine the ways this has confused me, changed my development, its my culture. the united servers under lan.. or something like that. I cant belive that I've managed to paracite to the point that i'll end up spreding my genes.. if its an option, its already part of the plan.. im extremely neurotic though, but I think after a few years i'll have made a lot of progress twards being happy, ive already changed so much. January will mark a full year of me being here. The fourteenth to be exact. from drug addict bipolar catastrophy to lifter with only mild emotional and physical issues. im still figuring out how I want to use the online diary format,. how much of yourself is too much to make consumable online? what if someone I know wants to see what i spend my time working on? I should share this with nary a soul and just try to have fun... trepidatiously. Its already january third as im writing this, there were so many distractions that month for obvious reasons, so i may just leave this page hadicaped.

this is the last day ill let myself work on this page

Even if i did have free will, all of my contributions to the world would be effaced in an infinitely infinitesimal fraction of time, which to the human mind would be an impossibly long eternity. Given that the human mind is our only reality, I have no choice but to deem it long enough. Human subjectivity is what we're designed for, but the new religion of the current regime fails to give any importance to the “subjective” matters of existence. I can't submit complacently to the illogical morality of this culture. They claim to worship objectivity and to have abolished the tyranny of religion, but moral piety is as venerable a quality as it was in the Victorian period. Everyone must suffer a great cognitive dissonance to not be able to recognise the sanctimoniousness that has been exaggerated so greatly that it now envelops every moral issue with a brier of proper mental conduct. It is fascinating that white people are expected to posses such a radicalized “empathy” can be radicalized degree that liking yourself at all is seen as evil regardless of if it affects anyone else. Its as if there is such an obvious supperiority of Evolution (our creation myth) is so thoroughly incompatible with these ideals. It requires only a rudimentary understanding of Darwinism to see that this absurd psychological virus is antagonistic to the survival of any lifeform. I would much rather see the members of my sub-species die by their own hand before they fell prey to the prostitution of their souls to those who wish them dead. But alas, I must isolate myself deep within my mind, fore even if these philosophical zombies may seem irreversibly rotten, I still hold out hope for a cure. Because I want to believe that it is not human nature that is inherently flawed, but the evolutionary mismatch between human nature and the mecha it has managed to construct. Are the current ruling elite so incompetent that they forgot to utilize the resources of the most technologically advanced and wealthy machine in the world to come up with a way to keep all the gears oiled? Education is a necessity for every citizen, and we are all plugged into the information superhighway at all times, it has never been easier to control the population. If Belle Delphine can influence an entire generation into acting and dressing a certain way, then why is the government seemingly incapable of tossing a bone to the overzealous population of would-be devout Christians within its borders? Did a society change forever by ww2 learn nothing from weimar? Either way, many of them will inevitably bring their bloodlines to an end, leaving a strange new ecological niche for my descendants to fill. Ultimately, my only hope is that I prepare them well for this challenge. Even if its an objectively mechanistic task only to propagate the meat grinder on our little anthill that is earth, I still want to play the game of life as it was in conception, free from the confusions of a postmodern world, that ancient law which captains even dogs and plants, from the first cells to the last atom. I can't give up and kill myself just because most people are retarded , not that i have a problem with quitting the game when 8.1 billion RETARDS are shitting up the same server, but ultimately ill die someday so i might as well wait and see what history spells out for the world while i'm in it.

waves of earth hung on the horizen a hem of azure. the symphonic fat clap of a frightened flock flap accross the water.

quiet before the sweet breath of spring stirs the little things to breed. a stirring flurry of lust abounds to chase the soft little bodies about. a newborn baby rabit watching his father then mounts sister rabbit but she bears no babies yet.

a nuclear plant exploded in india killing 100,000. does it matter at all? it happened 100 years before your birth, are you still sad? just kidding I lied completely. thats how much it doesnt matter at all.

If necessary, I could rationalize my feelings away with logic as it pertains to many moral issues which empathy is responcible for processing. But as I age, molestation is the one thing that makes me feel hopeless. Is it a motherly instinct? or fomo...